Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Great White Shark
African Elephant
Water Buffalo
Spectacled Bear
Scorpion – Snake


Alphabeticals are so intelligently arranged !!!!! 
Check it Out…………..


A"lways "B"e "C"ool..


D"on't have "E"go with "F"riends


G"iveup "H"urting "I"ncidences

J"ust "K"eep "L"oving "M"ankind
N"ever "O"mit "P"rayers
Q"uietly "R"emember (GOD)
S"peak "T"he "T"ruth
U"se "V"alid "W"ord
X"press "Y"our "Z"eal

Monday, August 5, 2013

Treasures of Padmanabha Temple

 Treasures of Padmanabha Temple

Unearthed a rich and glorious past in Padmanabha Temple , Thiruvananthapuram.
Nestled in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala, India, lies the magnificent Padmanabhaswamy Temple, an architectural marvel and a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe in Hindu mythology, this temple has been a place of spiritual solace and reverence for devotees for centuries.

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple's origins are shrouded in mystery, with its history dating back to centuries past. Some believe that the temple was established by the Chera dynasty in the 7th century CE, while others attribute its construction to the Travancore royal family in the 16th century. Regardless of its exact origins, the temple has played a significant role in the cultural and spiritual life of Kerala for centuries.

In recent years, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple has gained global attention due to the discovery of a vast treasure trove hidden within its vaults. In 2011, the Supreme Court of India ordered the opening of six previously unopened vaults in the temple, leading to the revelation of an immense collection of gold, precious stones, and other artifacts, estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

The discovery of this hidden treasure has sparked a renewed interest in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple and its rich history. The temple is now considered to be one of the richest places of worship in the world, and its treasures offer a glimpse into the grandeur and opulence of Kerala's past.

Beyond its material wealth, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple remains a place of profound spiritual significance. Devotees from all walks of life flock to the temple to seek blessings from Lord Vishnu and immerse themselves in the temple's serene atmosphere.

The temple's architecture is a masterpiece of Dravidian style, with intricate carvings and sculptures adorning its walls and towers. The temple complex houses several shrines, including the main sanctum sanctorum where the idol of Lord Vishnu is enshrined.

Visitors to the Padmanabhaswamy Temple are not only awestruck by its architectural beauty but also deeply moved by the spiritual energy that permeates the temple. The temple's tranquil ambiance provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and the presence of Lord Vishnu is felt in every corner.

A Legacy that Endures

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Hindu culture and spirituality. Its rich history, architectural splendor, and the profound devotion it inspires make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to understand the heart of Kerala.

In addition to its religious significance, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple is also a major tourist attraction in Kerala. Visitors can admire the temple's architecture, participate in daily rituals, and explore the temple's vast treasure trove. The temple is open to all visitors, regardless of faith, and offers a unique opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of Kerala.

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a true gem of India, a place where the past and present converge, and where the spiritual and material worlds intertwine. It is a place that has stood the test of time, a symbol of faith, devotion, and the enduring power of human creativity.

  As per the evaluation of the value of treasures found from the underground cellars of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple

there is around 1,00,000 crore rupees (1 Lakh Crore Rupees)There are 6 cellars in the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple
that were marked from A to B. Among them the cellars A and B are not opened for past 150 years.Other cellars were
containing precious items for festivals, daily poojas .etc.The detailed list of Treasures found in
Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple are:
1 Lakh Gold Coins
Rare Priceless Gems
Precious Diamonds like Indraneelam , Belgium Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies
1200 Sarappoli Gold Chains
Gold Crowns like Kulashekharaperumal Crown which was used by Kings of Travancore
KashuMala (Necklaces)
400 Gold Necklaces with Marathakam stone
More than 2000 Gold ornaments
Gold Plates (Swarna Thalika)
Gold Chains of up to 3 and 10.5 kg and of about 18 ft also
Golden Idol of Padmanabha Swamy
Swarna(Gold) Dhanuss
Swarna(Gold) Pathakams

4 Feet tall Golden statue of Lord Vishnu studded with precious emeralds

Gold Staffs
Golden Utensils
Golden Umbrellas (Thankakuda)
Gold Pots
Gold Varpu, Uruli (Big Utensil)
Gold Kazhuthu Kudam, Kazhuthukootam
Silver Moola Pattika
Gold, Silver Nilavilakku
Gold Kindi
Silver, Gold Dharakidaram
God Shiva Idols made of Gold
Serpents idols in Gold
Golden rings
Gold Thali

Finding from Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple

Mahavishnu Idol - 32 KG

Vishnu Idol - 5 KG

Treasury 17 kg of gold coins of the East India Company time

Gold Chains of up to 3 and 10.5 kg and of about 18 ft also

Gold Crowns like Kulashekharaperumal

Precious Diamonds like Indraneelam , Belgium Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies


Vishnu Idol - 5 KG

Treasury 17 kg of gold coins of the East India Company time

Gold Chains of up to 3 and 10.5 kg and of about 18 ft also

Gold Crowns like Kulashekharaperumal

Precious Diamonds like Indraneelam , Belgium Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies